The 7 chakras are energy centers in the body that are believed to play a vital role in physical and emotional well-being.

Energy surrounds us everywhere. If you learn how to align your 7 chakras, you will have the ability to balance your emotional and spiritual well-being. You will also notice a feeling of physical strength and wellness.

With this guide, you will learn more about the 7 chakras and how to balance them if they feel blocked.

What Does Chakra Mean?

The word chakra comes from the philosophical language of Hinduism, Sanskrit, and means “wheel” or “discus”. It is believed that when these chakras are open and in balance, energy flows smoothly through the body, leading to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. However, when one or more of these chakras are blocked, it can lead to physical or emotional issues. Meditation, yoga, and energy healing can be used to balance and align the chakras.

What Are the 7 Chakras?

Root Chakra

root chakra

The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is the first of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the color red and is believed to be related to the sense of grounding and physical survival. This chakra is associated with the earth element and is associated with the feeling of safety and security.

The root chakra is responsible for our connection to the physical world and our physical body. When this chakra is balanced and open, we feel grounded, stable, and secure. We feel confident in our ability to meet our basic needs and we feel safe in our environment.

Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra

When the root chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, instability, and fear. Physical symptoms such as lower back pain, fatigue, and immune system problems can also be related to an imbalanced root chakra.

Here are some signs that the root chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

    • Lower back pain or stiffness in the lower back or hips
    • Constipation or issues with elimination
    • Immune system disorders or frequent illnesses
    • Fatigue or lack of energy
    • Issues with the feet, legs or lower back

Emotional symptoms:

    • Anxiety or fear, especially related to safety and security
    • Difficulty feeling grounded or stable
    • Difficulty feeling connected to the physical world
    • Financial insecurity or difficulty with providing for oneself
    • Difficulty feeling at home or comfortable in one’s surroundings
    • Difficulty with feeling a sense of belonging

(It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis).

Element: Earth
Color: Red
Sound: Lam

How to Balance the Root Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the root chakra, including:

  • Grounding exercises such as walking barefoot on the earth
  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the lower body, such as mountain pose or warrior pose
  • Using essential oils such as sandalwood or patchouli
  • Meditating on the color red or visualizing a red light at the base of the spine
  • Eating grounding foods such as root vegetables
  • Using affirmations such as “I am safe” or “I am grounded”

Root Chakra Meditation Video

Sacral Chakra

sacral chakra

The sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana, is the second of the seven chakras and is located just below the navel. It is associated with the color orange and is believed to be related to emotions, sexuality, and creativity. This chakra is associated with the water element and is associated with the feeling of fluidity, flexibility, and grace.

The sacral chakra is responsible for our emotions, feelings and creativity. When this chakra is balanced and open, we feel emotionally balanced, creative, and have healthy sexual energy. We feel confident in our ability to express ourselves and our sexuality.

Signs of a Blocked Sacral Chakra

When the sacral chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of emotional instability, low self-esteem, and difficulty in expressing oneself. Physical symptoms such as lower back pain, reproductive problems, and urinary issues can also be related to an imbalanced sacral chakra.

Here are some signs that the sacral chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

    • Lower back pain or stiffness in the lower back or hips
    • Reproductive problems or infertility
    • Urinary issues or bladder infections
    • Digestive problems or constipation
    • Difficulty in relaxation
    • Lower energy levels

Emotional symptoms:

    • Difficulty expressing emotions or feeling emotionally unbalanced
    • Low self-esteem, self-doubt, or difficulty feeling confident in oneself
    • Sexual dysfunction or a lack of interest in sexuality
    • Difficulty with intimacy or emotional connection
    • Creativity blocks
    • Difficulty in letting go and moving on from past experiences

(It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis).

Element: Water
Color: Orange
Sound: Yam

How to Balance the Sacral Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the sacral chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the lower abdomen and hips, such as cobbler’s pose or pigeon pose
  • Using essential oils such as ylang-ylang or jasmine
  • Meditating on the color orange or visualizing an orange light in the lower abdomen
  • Eating sweet fruits and vegetables
  • Using affirmations such as “I am creative” or “I am in touch with my feelings”
  • Engaging in creative activities such as painting, dancing or writing

Sacral Chakra Meditation Video

Solar Plexus Chakra

solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura, is the third of the seven chakras and is located at the navel. It is associated with the color yellow and the fire element. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for our sense of personal power, self-esteem and self-discipline.

When this chakra is balanced and open, we feel confident in ourselves, are able to make decisions easily, and have a strong sense of self. We feel in control of our lives and are able to set healthy boundaries.

Signs of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

A blocked or imbalanced solar plexus chakra can manifest in both physical and emotional symptoms. When the solar plexus chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and difficulty in making decisions.

Here are some signs that the solar plexus chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

  • Digestive problems such as constipation, indigestion, or acid reflux
    • Diabetes and other metabolic disorders
    • Eating disorders or an unhealthy relationship with food
    • Fatigue or weakness in the muscles
    • Back pain or stiffness in the upper back or shoulders

Emotional symptoms:

      • Low self-esteem, self-doubt, or lack of self-confidence
      • Difficulty making decisions or taking action
      • A tendency to be passive or timid
      • Difficulty setting boundaries or asserting oneself
      • feeling powerless or a lack of control over one’s life
      • feelings of anxiety or insecurity

(It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis).

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the solar plexus chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the upper abdomen and core, such as boat pose or plank pose
  • Using essential oils such as ginger or lemon
  • Meditating on the color yellow or visualizing a yellow light in the upper abdomen
  • Eating spicy foods
  • Using affirmations such as “I am in control of my life” or “I am confident in myself”
  • Practicing self-discipline and setting healthy boundaries
  • Engaging in activities that build self-esteem such as public speaking or leadership roles

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Video

Heart Chakra

heart chakra

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is the fourth of the seven chakras and is located at the center of the chest. It is associated with the color green and the air element. It is believed to be related to love, compassion, and emotional balance.

The heart chakra is responsible for our ability to love and be loved, to empathize and have compassion for others, and to maintain emotional balance. When this chakra is balanced and open, we feel a deep sense of love and compassion for ourselves and others, we are able to forgive and let go of grudges, and we are able to form healthy relationships.

Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra

When the heart chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of emotional distance, lack of compassion, and difficulty in forming healthy relationships. Physical symptoms such as chest pain, high blood pressure and respiratory problems can also be related to an imbalanced heart chakra.

Here are some signs that the heart chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

    • Chest pain or tightness
    • High blood pressure or heart problems
    • Respiratory problems or asthma
    • Shoulder or upper back pain
    • Immune system disorders

Emotional symptoms:

    • Difficulty feeling or expressing love and compassion
    • Holding grudges or difficulty forgiving
    • Emotional distance or withdrawal
    • Difficulty forming or maintaining healthy relationships
    • Lack of empathy or understanding of others’ emotions
    • Fear of rejection or abandonment

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis.

How to Balance the Heart Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the heart chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the chest and upper back, such as camel pose or cobra pose
  • Using essential oils such as rose or lavender
  • Meditating on the color green or visualizing a green light in the center of the chest
  • Eating leafy greens and other green foods
  • Using affirmations such as “I am open to love” or “I am compassionate”
  • Practicing acts of kindness and generosity
  • Engaging in activities that foster emotional connection such as journaling or therapy

Heart Chakra Meditation Video

Throat Chakra

throat chakra

The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha, is the fifth of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the throat. It is associated with the color blue and is believed to be related to communication, self-expression, and creativity. This chakra is associated with the ether element.

The throat chakra is responsible for our ability to communicate effectively and express ourselves authentically. When this chakra is balanced and open, we are able to express ourselves clearly and authentically, we have a strong voice and we can assert ourselves with confidence.

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to difficulty in expressing oneself, difficulty in communication, and difficulty in being assertive. Physical symptoms such as sore throat, thyroid problems, and mouth ulcers can also be related to an imbalanced throat chakra.

Here are some signs that the throat chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

    • Sore throat or persistent hoarseness
    • Thyroid problems or chronic fatigue
    • Mouth ulcers or dental issues
    • Neck or shoulder pain
    • Hearing problems or tinnitus

Emotional symptoms:

    • Difficulty expressing oneself or communicating effectively
    • Fear of speaking in public or being assertive
    • Difficulty setting boundaries or standing up for oneself
    • Difficulty in making oneself heard
    • Creative blocks or lack of inspiration
    • Inability to say “no” or difficulty in making decisions

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis.

How to Balance the Throat Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the throat chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the throat and neck, such as plow pose or lion pose
  • Using essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus
  • Meditating on the color blue or visualizing a blue light at the base of the throat
  • Eating cooling foods such as fruits and vegetables
  • Using affirmations such as “I express myself clearly” or “I speak my truth”
  • Engaging in creative activities such as singing or writing

Throat Chakra Meditation Video

Third Eye Charka

third eye chakra

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is the sixth of the seven chakras and is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is associated with the color purple or indigo and is believed to be related to intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. This chakra is associated with the light element and is associated with the feeling of intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

The third eye chakra is responsible for our ability to access our intuition and inner wisdom, and to connect with our spiritual nature. When this chakra is balanced and open, we are able to access our intuition and inner wisdom, we have a strong sense of inner guidance, and we can see beyond the physical realm.

Signs of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

When the third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to difficulty in accessing intuition and inner wisdom, difficulty in connecting with our spiritual nature, and difficulty in understanding the big picture. Physical symptoms such as headaches, sinus problems, and vision issues can also be related to an imbalanced third eye chakra.

Here are some signs that the third eye chakra may be blocked:

Physical symptoms:

    • Headaches or migraines
    • Sinus problems or vision issues
    • Insomnia or sleep disorders
    • Neurological problems or seizures
    • Tinnitus or hearing problems

Emotional symptoms:

    • Difficulty trusting intuition or inner guidance
    • Difficulty understanding the bigger picture
    • Difficulty with focus or concentration
    • Disconnection from spiritual practices or lack of meaning in life
    • Difficulty with decision making or feeling directionless
    • Lack of imagination or creativity

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis.

How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the third eye chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the head and neck, such as fish pose or child’s pose
  • Using essential oils such as frankincense or sandalwood
  • Meditating on the color purple or visualizing a purple light in the center of the forehead
  • Eating foods that help with concentration such as nuts and seeds
  • Using affirmations such as “I trust my intuition” or “I am open to spiritual insights”
  • Engaging in activities that foster spiritual connection such as meditation or prayer

Third Eye Chakra Meditation Video

Crown Chakra

crown chakra

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is the seventh and highest of the seven chakras and is located at the top of the head. It is associated with the color violet or white and is believed to be related to spiritual enlightenment, higher consciousness and connection to the divine. This chakra is associated with the thought element.

The crown chakra is responsible for our ability to connect with a higher power and access spiritual enlightenment. When this chakra is balanced and open, we are able to access a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it, we have a sense of oneness and interconnectedness with all things, and we are able to access spiritual states such as Nirvana or Samadhi.

Signs of a Blocked Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to difficulty in connecting with a higher power, difficulty in accessing spiritual enlightenment, and difficulty in understanding the world and our place in it. Physical symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, and anxiety can also be related to an imbalanced crown chakra.

How to Balance the Crown Chakra

There are several ways to balance and open the crown chakra, including:

  • Practicing yoga poses that focus on the head and neck, such as headstand or downward-facing dog
  • Using essential oils such as lavender or lotus
  • Meditating on the color violet or white or visualizing a violet or white light at the top of the head
  • Practicing silence or chanting mantras
  • Using affirmations such as “I am one with the divine” or “I am connected to the universe”
  • Engaging in activities that foster spiritual connection such as prayer or mindfulness practice

Crown Chakra Meditation Video

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